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Acquired content

Acquired content is programming which has already been produced for purposes other than airing on the channel. For example it may be a documentary or PSA which has been produced by an NGO or an independent producer who has found their own source of financing, material produced for other broadcasters for which the producer holds the copyright, or material which has been shared on the internet.

This material typically contains no “commercial” content, i.e. advertisements, product placement, marketing messages etc. and is not in and of itself selling or marketing any particular company, product or service.

LTV does not pay for acquired content, although postage costs of delivering the material to the channel may be covered, particularly if it originates in countries outside of Zimbabwe. The channel does enter into exchange deals for content, where advertising is granted in return for use of the content. This would typically be a ‘billboard’ (i.e. a still image) before or after the programme which advertises an address or website where viewers can obtain a DVD copy of the programme.

Programme partnerships

LTV also enters into partnerships with content providers for material which is produced specifically for flighting on the channel. This is where an agreement is entered into between LTV and the content partner (independent producer), whereby the latter provides a programme or series of programmes which are flighted on the channel over a particular period.

These agreements typically provide LTV with exclusive airing rights for a particular period, after which time the producer may sell the content on to other channels. The intellectual property rights to this content remain with the producer.

LTV will send out occasional briefs for the kind of programmes sought by the channel, based on LTV's programming policy and needs.


Independent productions provide LTV with an income stream, so it is expected that these productions will pay the channel a broadcast fee. This fee contributes towards the costs of running the channel, so producers have to build this broadcast fee into their budgets. At the same time LTV is conscious of the need to assist producers to construct viable business propositions for their shows.

LTV currently charges USD 2500 for a 24 minute programme to be aired on the channel. Recognising the constraints faced by producers in terms of securing finance for their programmes, particularly in the early stages, CTV will consider reducing this fee on a discretionary basis.

Programmes should fit within the parameters of our programming policy.




LTV carries three forms of programming.



  1. Acquired: LTV obtains rights to broadcast existing programmes from production houses, organisations, independent film makers and other television channels.

  2. Production partnerships: LTV enters into production partnership agreements with independent film makers.

  3. In-house: LTV produces its own programmes in studio or in the field.


Those who already own programme content and would like to have it aired on LTV download our broadcasting Agreement Form below and sign before you send it to our mail. You can also contact our Acquisitions Co-ordinator at Tel. +263776517766 or e-mail

Producers and organisations who would like to get involved in production partnerships with LTV can contact our Programme Manager at Tel. +26375711345 or e-mail

Public access programming enables organisations to appear on our shows or to partner with TV producers to make their own programmes and inserts. See Production for further details.

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