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Lifewalk TV has a limited number of internships for certain positions within the organisation. When internship positions become available they are advertised on the LTV website and social media, as well as in television industry media.


Internships generally last six months, except for voluntary student positions that are related to study programmes. However internships may be extended for a further six months under exceptional circumstances.

Students currently studying at tertiary education institutions may also apply for voluntary positions as part of their studies. Foreign students may apply for unpaid internships at LTV - they are then responsible for all their costs while in Zimbabwe and must bring their own laptop PC.



LTV employs skilled professionals from the video industry to run the main functions at the station. Interns work on specific work areas related to LTV's operational requirements.



Internships are advertised on our website and applications are also done through our website.


If you want to apply for internship at Lifewalk Tv fill in the form below:


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