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Programme Sponsorship

Sponsorship of LTV programmes will give your organisation excellent public exposure as well as providing Zimbabweans with great programming on their community channel. 

Programme sponsors get the following benefits:

•        Opening and closing 10 sec billboard, e.g. “brought to you in association with…”. 

•        Sponsors may have one free 30-second commercial in each half-hour of the programme.

•        Five-second break bumpers going both into the commercial break and back into the       programme immediately after.



•        In-studio branding, i.e. sponsor logos on studio backdrops or video monitors.

•        Limited product placement.

•        Corner screen logo for no more than 50% of the programme (not in top right corner where LTV’s logo is situated).


•        Competitions can be run in the programme (e.g. product give-aways).

•        Mentions by the presenter.

•        Mention in on-screen promos advertising the show.

•        Sponsored segments (i.e. "advertorial") about the sponsor or its products/services.



•        May not influence the content in any way, or censor content.

•        No ads promoting gambling are allowed, although companies in these industries may still sponsor programmes.


Sponsored programmes usually get an additional (repeat) flighting during the week to add value.

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